Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 objectives

Having encouraged all and sundry in my business to create goal sheets, I thought it was high time I went past "focus areas..." and "resolutions" and created a clear set of goals for myself too. This is not a strategy document but a time-bound objectives sheet. It is also dynamic though I hope to only add, not delete. These are the explicit objectives and imply many implicit ones.

Work -Move into a new role that's more "happening" and hands on OR move into a new job that's high paying in preferably a different industry - during Sep to Dec

Growth - Continue teaching AND/OR start doing some freelance training - Jan onw

Finances -
  • Reduce quarterly average spending on shopping by at least 20% - Jan onw
  • Make one more substantial investment amounting to at least Rs. 15000/month, either in property or MFs - by March 09

Health - Get myself in shape. Weight to be kept maintained at 72 kg and at least 12 visits of 30-40 min each to gym per month. - Jan onw

People -

  • Focus on Unni, L, D. Regular interactions and take ownership for meeting at least once/fortnight (not being reactive) - Jan onw
  • Take responsibility for Bobo pre-school arrangements etc. - Aug
  • Complete clarity on direction w/DB. Be on the same page - Feb onw.

Ending the year...

60 kms away from Bangalore, next to an abandoned water reservoir, we pitched our camp at midnight. The night was lit only by the stars above and a torch we carried with us. We set up a tent, lay down the rug and our supplies. A few minutes later, we cut the birthday cake for DB and poured out our drinks. Surrounded by silence and peace, we laughed at silly jokes, sipped our drinks, listened to "jhanak jhanak payal baaje" on the laptop, ate chips-with-dip over candles and exclaimed at the 'surreality' of the experience. It was chilly but not unpleasantly so; it was quiet but not eerily so; it was dark but not scarily so. The company was friendly, but not overly so. It was far, but not too much; we spent quite some time there, but didn't overstay. We laughed, we thought, we felt, we expressed.

Perfect? It came close. Very close.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

The haves and have-nots and the final negation of the arguments

I dont have an expensive branded watch, a heavy-duty phone or iPhone, a snazzy TV or music system, a collection of art prints or a series of exotic holidays to my credit.
I have a good collection of clothes, though none from the top-league. I have a collection of jackets that I am happy with and I have a good set of books and movies which reflect my passion.
I dont have an apartment/house to my name and I continue to live in rented premises. I do have a plot of land which I am paying EMI on, but that's not tax friendly as it's a site loan.
I have done up my house well, even when it was small. I always get genuine compliments on my taste from people I trust.
I have not been in IT, where I could make money through onsite projects, or in Sales, where I could make money on commissions and incentives.
I do have a lovely job that I like and my career graph has been to my liking. I am also paid a fair amount as per the field I am in and work with a respected organization. I am also cognizant of where I came from - the kind of salaries we had earlier and how this was a dream. It's real now.
I have led an enjoyable life and never scrimped on going out - spending time with a series of many, lovely friends over several years in good eating and drinking holes.
I continue to have a couple of personal loans on my head but am able to manage expenses reasonably well on a month to month basis. On the basis of the reality a few years ago, I know this is progress.
I don't have a double-income family and probably wont either. That's a constraint on finance.
I do know that if I work harder (visiting faculty, trainer) and smarter (MF investments etc.), I can overcome that constraint to an extent.

And so the argument continues.

At the end of the day....I am happy when my boss tells me I have added value to him; I am sad when I feel I haven't provided enough for Mummy; I am happy when I spend time with Bobo; I am sad when I think about Dolly and what she is going to go through; I am happy when I receive a genuine smile from a loved one; I am sad when I think about the fact that I am balding.

This is what it boils down to.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"hi, long time, how have u been?"

As I look back, I realise that amongst the many many many words on the subject of personal relationships that I have expressed myself on - the connect, the pain, the madness, the love, the comfort, the companionship - the favorite topic is- chemistry! A useful, versatile, nice-sounding word.

Does its versatility extend to the long-distance, online connections? For me, someone who's not a veteran "onliner" but sufficiently networked, yes. The slightly electric feel of the first connection; the unconscious smile on seeing that name appear; the ears of the mind perking up at getting a message, clear or subliminal; the re-digestion and absorption of long conversations; the wondering and the's all been there. In many forms...the had-fun-while-it-lasted types like Ankit or Rohan, the mad-online-damp-offline types like Vik, the partly-online-partly-offline types like Sri and sometimes, appropriately rarely, the can-this-be-something types like Am or Gar...

How many people feel this like I do? Are people of certain zodiac signs more sensitive to chemistry, or is it purely individual personality? Is chemistry an end by itself, or rather, can it be? If not followed by deeper physical or emotional interaction, does it keep taut like a wire or start fizzling? Is chemistry the ultimate altar, before which all kneel, including rooted prejudices and so-called moral barriers?

I dont know. I guess I will either think about and discover my thoughts on these questions over a period of time (I don't think the word "answers" can be applied here) or just let this topic lie in my subconscious, taken out and given a dusting for a once-over when someone like an Am comes back and says "hi, long time, where have u been?"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Prague first...

I would have liked to really record my thoughts and impressions as I spent time in these two cities; there was so much to see, absorb, think about, feel, sense in both the places, and mostly positive too! I don't know what stops me from doing so. It's partly the same ol' laziness that has prevented me from doing so much else....and partly, it's also the thought of the wannabe writers springing up behind every door nowdays! I am so apprehensive at being part of this "sea of mediocrity" (as Mr. Mundol used to often say!) that I now shy away from it.

Anyway, this post is about Prague and NY and what I did (in the tradition started by Ms. Katy) -

In Prague...
  • Bundled in cafe-owned blankets, or at least clothed in my own jackets, I spent a lot of time sitting in open-air cafes at various times in the evenings (never in the afternoons, I hate the sun), sipping tea or coffee (very good coffee!), the ever-faithful and loving book lying in my lap unread, looking at the stream of gorgeousness passing by (which I 'get' as compared to the consciousness).
  • I did the best forearm exercise - take a metal object weighing approx. 150g in your right hand, lift the arm up, hold it there for a few minutes as you steady the hand, press a button with your forefinger and then bring your hand slowly down, bend your head to look at the output, repeat the raise-steady-click-lower routine a few more times until you are satisfied. Do this approximately 20 times a day with objects that provide you aesthetic pleasure (incredible range of architecture in the buildings) and you get the best of both worlds.
  • I drank the best beer I have ever had (not that I am an expert or anything), mostly of the dark variety, in all the brands available. My favorite is the one I had with Rajan in the old town square - KRUŠOVICE (I googled it just now!). I also realised the legend is true - water IS more expensive than beer.
  • I indulged my fat cells in food too. Ghoulash soup, huge chunks of sausage, unpronouncable-but-delicious dishes, huge soft sandwiches, bowls of yogurt with berries.
  • I attended a couple of western classical concerts in old, beautiful churches. The lovely cliche was spoilt by the click-n-flash explosion generated by the tourists around me. I, in a very non-touristy fashion, did not carry a camera or a bag, sat alone and pretended not to notice anything. My imitation would have been spoilt if anyone had actually started a conversation with me about the music. All I could have said was that some of it sounded nice and some of it sounded familiar, and the conductor was very well dressed.
  • I walked and walked and tested whether those expensive Geoxx shoes were really worth it. They were. I explored cobbled pathways (to find out that they lead to yet another shop selling "genuine Bohemian crystal"), retraced steps to look at building facades that struck me, revisited cafes and bars that I grew to like, went to multiple shops to find the "mera wala picture" for the bedroom wall, I climbed all the way up (and naturally all the way down) to the Prague castle grounds and basically went out walking whenever I was free.
  • I visited a couple of old-fashioned g bars. I didnt know they existed. They had wooden walls, plastic tablecloths (right word?) and served food with drinks (a strict no-no in other bars). They also had friendlier people than the usual sada-hua variety. I guess age mellows them. I fit right in.
  • I also had kadai chicken and naan on my first evening in Prague with a middle-aged, boring business lead who had nothing to say except office politics and who I don't particularly like. I put it down as a "work obligation" and will forever count it as one of my sacrifices.
  • I also had a reasonably good time with Sid (though he's very very choon and a vegetarian and doesn't drink much and refused to be photographed even once). We visited a Brit g pub and gave polite smiles; we walked around at midnight looking for veg food that wasn't McD (I refused, period.); we ate Haagen Daaz ice cream on the pretty pretty St Charles bridge at a freezing midnight hour; we baited, caught and released a drunk German at 3 am; we exchanged numerous insults on our respective dressing sense; we climbed the Prague TV tower and looked out at views of the city.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Isn't it strange that over the years one gains so much capability in practically everything in life. but the basics - how do u deal with love/pain/depression/grief - still elude us. Not the most sparkling of original thoughts, I know, but relevant to what I am thinking/feeling right now.

I am getting into a low phase. The trigger was a 2 minute chat with a not-so-close friend, the (unintentional?) sharpness of whom took my breath away. But the overall "lowness" is probably a combination of many things. Physical downturn, general "cycle of life", Dolly's news, other worries about events coming up (people moving in/out).

I couldn't immerse myself in work. Nothing that interesting to immerse myself in, anyway. I ignored work and sank into a PG Wodehouse, armed with a chocolate. Didn't work. Chatted with a couple of close friends, felt slightly better but not much. Will now go to gym. Dont think that will help much, but will try. I think an evening out on movies is the best option. Will try and organize that. It will take the edge off.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Musings on an airplane

An elderly gentleman with his wife just passed my seat. He could barely walk, stooped and supported by his wife. I offered to help and she declined with a quiet smile. Another passenger in front of me was more sensible, he didn’t ask, he just took hold of the elderly man’s hand and guided him forward. The reason why this affects me more than normal is that I can picture daddy and mummy going through the same just a decade ago.

Coincidentally I happen to be watching a movie about a man who, at the age of 42, suddenly realizes his life is “boring”, that he’s not alive and proceeds to be brutally frank with his family and friends, brutal being the operative word. As of this moment, he’s gone to meet his father with whom he seems to have had a dysfunctional relationship.

I am not sure how the two are connected and don’t really care to articulate it either; I am not writing something to be published. What I do know is that both make me feel. A sense of regret, sadness…or maybe just pensiveness.

There’s so much pain in each of one of us. There’s so much pain in our loved ones. What’s “being alive” as opposed to be being just “tragic”? Why are we passive in our relationship with people? What’s this man thinking, that he’s left his wife and children in confusion and sadness, as he figures out his own self? What was I thinking, paying more attention to my own issues with daddy than to his excruciating physical (and, in hindsight, emotional) pain?

I have just returned from a 2 week trip to Prague and a week’s vacation in New York. At this moment, I am tired and a little unwell (not to mention bankrupt), but overall happy and cool. Tomorrow I could be, let’s change that to “will not be”, not. There will be pain. And confusion. And craziness. Physical discomfort. Embarrassments. To use an old-fashioned term, adversity.

Sometimes, even in the middle of a good time, it’s important to remember that. It’s the intellectual equivalent of making sure that you say your bedtime prayers regularly.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Time passes!

I spend a fair amount of time online so I wonder why I don't blog more...I guess writing requires dedicated, clear thought and I have a feeling that I have been less than adequately equipped with both dedication and clarity recently :) Anyway, the past few weeks have just flown by in a fuzzy sense of madness, emotion, celebration and exhaustion.

I started teaching in Aug (did I post about this yet?) and it's been an interesting experience so far. Like most much-anticipated activities, this hasn't turned out the way I expected it to be, but that's not to say it's any lesser....I am teaching a pre-determined university syllabus (filled with archaic topics!) of a subject I am not very fond of (compensation!) to a 40-strong group of not-very-strong-or-skilled students in an environment that can be described as strictly average. BUT I am making a difference, and that's what was the driver behind this anyway. My classes are on Friday and Saturday and necessitate me taking some hours off from work...but I make up for it in other ways. It will probably get a bit too hectic sometimes, esp. if there are weekend trip plans...but I know I will need to work around it, because this is something I want to do or at least try fully.

I also moved into the new days of pre and post-shifting activity that was exhausting and irritating, but necessary. I made long to-do lists and taped them on my wardrobe door, checking them off as they got done (some still lie unticked, like the bean bag that never came back!!). I made and re-made and re-made some more the budgets for the coming months...trying to balance the inflow and outflow (that seemed gigantic by comparison, oh lord, why do i earn so less!!). I displayed nothing short of superlative irritable/crotchety behavior towards everyone in general, but mostly towards DB, that has made impressions that will not wear off in a hurry. I also didn't indulge in much physical hard work and yet stopped exercising thanks to the hectic schedule, leading to more accumulation of inches and providing me with the belly of (alleged) prosperity. At the end of it all, I now reside in an apartment that's big, airy, clean, convenient, tastefully done up but doesn't have the coolness n character quotient of my previous one. Whatever. I am now sitting on a roomy balcony and typing away to glory in an atmosphere of near-silence, something that wasn't possible there. Of course, neither do I have leafy green trees to look at or a cool breeze to enjoy. So typical of life.

I had a wonderful short vacation, thanks to the symbolically significant first birthday of Bobo and my 30th birthday. That I consider the former to be a cause for celebration and the latter a cause for depression is a separate matter, but we all (Dhaka, Delhi n Mau) converged in Vedic Village for 3.5 days of revelry (as much of it as one can have with two toddlers!) on Aug 21. The start was rocky (bad rooms got allotted initially, Bobo was upset with our intrusive behavior) but things got sorted out and we actually managed to have a very decent amount of fun for the next few days (except Dolly n Mummy to an extent, as they had to contend with an ill-Bobo). Lavish rooms (villas actually, and I forgot to the take a snap of the bedroom-sized bathroom with a sunken bath and an open-air shower!), well appointed resort, loads n loads of greenery (with snakes provided with compliments of Mother Nature), cake from Flurys (the monetary cost of which, combined with the cost of Dolly's effort in getting in there, probably made one of the most expensive cakes ever consumed), champagne (drunk in normal water glasses, since the resort mgmt reneged at the last moment, bloody creeps!), constant flow of good food n drinks (and if the villas took 3 months off Anjan's annual salary, this took the bonus!), lazyboy/massage chairs (don't know what they are actually called) in each room, reasonable amount of independence to spend the days as you wished (faced with a grand total of 5 choices - sleep/ eat-drink/ swim/ spend-time-with-baby/ vegetate) and a heterogeneous group that managed to get along pretty well....all of it added up to pretty much the type of celebratory holiday we were aiming for! (marred by a highly uncomfortable and painful return trip for Dolly/Anjan/Mummy though)

So, well...that was the last big activity...came back and resumed life...a bit hectic (and a little frustrating) at work but have just completed a typical full weekend composed of classes (tiring, but nice), dentist (painful), shopping (a phone that's stylish - nice - and expensive - not nice), lunch (good but ended up giving me loosies), movie (wall e - very very cute n nice n thought provoking), another movie (rock on - really good) and a sunday that was lazy and beautiful :)

Another week is about to start...but there's stuff to look forward to and agonise about in the coming few weeks - my performance mgmt possible prague trip (for which the visa still hasn't come!!)...dolly/mummy's I have a feeling there's going to be another post probably around mid-Oct. Unless of course, I am struck by something provoking enough to make me log on and write again :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To-do list for the next 4 months

> Move house (already in progress, to be done in Aug)
> Start going as guest/visiting faculty for BBA/MBA classes somewhere (effort started....fingers crossed)
> Instal an SIP (I actually know what this means. I also know the rates/sq feet for flats in different parts of the city. God help me....soon I will be talking about engines of cars and tax deduction policies. Sigh)
> Get sanity back into my life

Monday, July 07, 2008

Less than myself

I have been meaning to sit down and blog for several days now. The trigger each day is different.

A few days ago I returned from my Hyd trip, and what an amazing break it was. D and I did exactly what we love to do - a road trip and many movies (on separate days of course!). I do so want to record the details of those days...the long drives on mostly good roads, the monuments and ruins with interesting histories, the villages and the intermingling of cultures and the eager children who would run after us and show us around, the usually bad food punctuated by surprising authentic Punjabi and Rajasthani meals, the movie marathon, the laziness...all of it.

And then, in direct contrast, there's L. A sudden absence in my life, future unknown. I want to explore my reaction to this - the thoughts and the emotions and the roots of that emotion. I want to explore the issue as well as the trigger and figure out if I can make sense.

The thought of the near future occupies my days - the prospective travel, the shifting, the purchases, the expenses, the possibilities, the risks, the settling am I going to pull this all together?? I want to think that through.

If my future occupies my day thoughts, the sub conscious is most certainly reserved for family. I know the pressure and near-depression that Dolly's going through; I know the sense of pressure & frustration that Anjan would be feeling; I know how helpless and sad Mummy would be. All of us want the same thing; we also know that the right things happen at the right time and so we should not get down...yet it still rankles, the uncertainty irritates and upsets and in the meanwhile, you keep calculating the days/weeks until your next meeting.

In the meanwhile, work goes from 0 to 0.5 in the indifference index. Things hang in limbo...there's a little more clarity but not much action. I am not getting what I wanted from this role...yet am unable to give it up because of what it has given. How silly is that...and how contradictory to my normal style of functioning.

And that, of course, brings me to that eternal question - have I compromised on myself? Have I traded in for someone lesser? Or have I just been fooling others all this while? This me - the irritable, snappy me - is it really me???

What's cause, what's effect? What role does DB play here? Is he the victim of my troubled soul or a contributor to it or probably both? Even if both, is it his fault? Unintentionally, yes. Intentionally, no. So, by the logic of my usually just and controllable mind, he shouldn't be at the receiving end. But he is. And that hurts me as much as it does him.

So well...these are the things that flow through the mind as I eat, sleep, gym, work, drive etc. etc. The only time I am a little at peace is when I am absorbed in a good book or movie - what a blessing they are!

Ideally this blog should have been a full fledged exploration...this listing is something I do daily in my mind, so it's not really helpful. But maybe someday later, it will remind me of myself in a weak moment, a mirror to a point in time when I felt less than myself.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pouts and a slap

Disgruntled with work, disappointed with myself, upset with a best friend, irritable with my partner...this is certainly a new kind of low for me.

It's not as if I remain perpetually pouting. Today I went out for shopping and lunch with Smita and had a nice time. In the evening will meet Sonali for dinner and share some gossip over fine. I am also exercising regularly and hope to soon start reducing. And there's this thriller that I am reading that has me absolutely anyway, daily life goes on.

But somewhere, I know that there are some things intrinsically wrong. I am not turned on by work nowdays; it keeps me occupied but my mindspace is empty. I am disgusted with the way I have dealt with the quality of life I have been afforded thanks to my role in the past 9 months. Yes, I got 3 months family team which was great. But what about the teaching? the social work? Or even gymming? And money??? 7 years into my career I dont have an investment plan and I have finally bought a miserable piece of land, the EMI for which doesn't even give me tax benefits. If I lose my job tomorrow, I will be on the streets. If I have an accident, I will have to starve.

I am not being overdramatic, just harsh. It's high time I was a little harsh with myself, looked myself carefully in the mirror and pointed a rude finger "Buddy, what the fuck is happening?".

It's usually my closest friends who act as this mirror to me. Just spending time with them is my reality check. One best friend is in US, one in Hyd, neither are the types who I can companionably chat or talk with long distance about inconsequential stuff. The third is here and has very little time and is now wrapped in some silly issues with himself that are now starting to get me and finally made me lose my temper (which I am not proud of, btw, and I DID say sorry, but didn't get a response...and anyway, that's another story)

So it's me. I have to clean myself up. And I will do so. I will update this blog in 2 months and take another cold, hard look at myself. Let's see.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Missing baby A

So many expressions of his flit through my mind in any idle moment…the frenzied movements and happy noise when he knows he’s about to go out; the sleepy monotone with the half-lidded eyes as he drifts to sleep on the swing; the determined playfulness as he would climb up on me to slap me around and wake me up in the morning; the false joviality and crinkling of eyes at certain words and expressions; the angry battering of hands when he’s denied the route he wants to go in; the puzzled-yet-determined look when a particular object of interest is refused to him; the intent exploration of usefulness of toys and cameras and cars on the street; the sheer glee when he witnessed his and our faces in the mirrors.

Unfortunately the bad times accompany the good ones. I don’t think I will ever, ever forget those moments in the hospital and his expressions that day, which moved from angry betrayal to pain to resignation. I don’t know which one hurt us more. I know we all died a little that day.

Now I can just imagine what he’s feeling. Dolly just told me that he’s been crying on and off for the past couple of days. There used to be a particular hanging pot that he was extremely fond of and I would (in my key responsibility as taxi driver) take him there to gaze up in wonder (even though he would be seeing it for the umpteenth time), watch him as he switched his glances between the pot, me and the revolving fan and sometimes even smile in glee, doing his enthusiastic “whoo, hoo” rumble. Now he doesn’t. Dolly takes him there, he looks at her, and then turns away. They try to keep him distracted and happy. He’s a baby after all, and he becomes ok in a few minutes.

So I thank god for this time I spent. There was stress, yes; and sadness too. But a lot of happiness as well. I am very very glad it worked out.

So life goes on. A month of love. Another few months of separation. He got introduced to this cycle too early. We are used to it.

The voices in my head make me cry

Is it a plane? Is it an alien? No! It’s Superman!

(At least that’s how I think it went)

Ok. I am nuts. Or nearly there. The flip flop of my emotions have done me in. The sense that I have just revisited my 30 years (not 30 yet!!) in the past couple of months has sapped my mind of coherent thought. I sit in the extremely crowded and noisy departure hall of Cal airport feeling a little like the Alice in Wonderland characters who have plenty to say but never make sense.

Bobo’s voice reverberates in my ears, going “hoo hoo hoo…” endlessly, pushing me with his body language (not to mention will) in every direction he wants to go. Mummy’s eyes are right in front of me, often tired, always loving, never complaining. Dolly is jumping, coaxing her son to laugh and giggle, and then he turns towards me again. “Hoo hoo hoo…”….”show me the mirror, take me outside…” and I feel like jumping up right now, holding my arms out like a taxi driver opens the door to eagerly awaiting passengers. Except that I won’t charge. At least not in cash. I want that smile, the happy eyes. Anjan sits smiling placidly, until his wife brings him back to reality with a reminder or a warning. He is tired too. And sleepy. But he is game for suggestions. And Bobo has plenty. He would like a quick bite for starters, and it could be even be his Mom’s shoulder….

And so it goes on. An endless replay of scenes in my mind, in full color and with Dolby sound. I can even patch the scenes together to create a full – fledged movie. Though it may appeal to only very esoteric European audiences who will take the khichdi I will serve as an output of eclectic imagination. Because I will serve a khichdi. The format will be very Hindi-filmy-family. Smiles, a good natured baby, good clothes, good food, well decorated house. The emotions will be very Hollywoodish and simple – tension, love, anger, strain, sadness. The pattern is what will make it European – I start with tension…move to relief…then affection…and love…and then worries….and then sadness….and then some more love…then some feel-good positivism…then strain…some silence…love again…and then sadness. How can any good movie start with tension and end with sadness? I certainly won’t watch it.

The last coherent thought I had when this movie was starting was the one that reminded me (for the umpteenth time) how love is the biggest cause of sadness in the world. I was incredibly tense about Mummy’s opn and the impact it would have on her. Other high points of the trip were of a similar nature – blinking back tears at Bobo’s heartrending screams (and pleading eyes) when they took his blood for testing. Assuring Dolly fervently that the future will work out all right (and inwardly hoping and hoping and hoping that it will be so, because this lovely family just doesn’t deserve any more shit). And finally, plonking one last kiss on the baby’s cheek, feeling his fingers grip my shoulder, hugging them to somehow convey the immensity of what I feel, the tears that I can’t shed.

I just forgot my cell phone where I was sitting; that’s something I don’t do often. I went back after ten minutes and found it there, thank God. But it’s kind of woken me up a little. The rush of travel activity; the hilarious book; the browsing of people’s faces – this self prescription of Prozac is not so effective any more. The words, the sounds, the faces, the hands…the bloody fucking awful real mad soothing loving terrible feeling – it’s all there. Sharp.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

two weeks ago

Two weeks ago, I had a perfect day. DB and I were in Ooty and it was an Ooty different from anytime I had experienced before.

We awoke to a rain-splashed morning in our room – an old-fashioned one with large expanses of wooden flooring, an attached dressing room, an elegant bathroom, and a large fireplace with 2 well-cushioned chairs. I occupied one of them for the early part of the morning – sipping cups of tea, looking out of the open door into the green and wet world outside, listening to nothing but the insistent spatter of the rain (and the restless prowling of DB!), occasionally reading a page or two of the murder mystery that lay on my lap. We finally got around to going for breakfast in the wood-paneled dining room – a buffet of savories that I enjoyed to the fullest, getting up only when I knew that no more was possible! Letting ourselves get wet, we then traversed the hotel property, indulging in mild physical activity - Foos-ball, a game I was introduced to now, was an entertaining one, though its entertainment value was slightly dimmed by the fact that I never won J I was cheered up by the badminton later, where, though I certainly didn’t play like I used to, I was nevertheless better than the one I was playing against! The action naturally flowed into an afternoon of calm and indulgence, DB getting a massage done and me….well, me getting back to the same routine of tea w/book looking at a view in silence. A silence that helped me hear the voices within, the ones that connect me to myself, reminding me of what I value and what I have, answering some of the basic issues that trouble my mind, posing questions that will direct the flow of my life in the coming months, making me look at myself as I really am, and accepting it gracefully, without regret or ambition.

It had been a quiet day so far and we were now ready for some noise. A late lunch behind us and the rain showing signs of rest, we decided to venture out. First stop – a bee museum located next door. Unfortunately the bees couldn’t be disturbed but we did do our bit of shopping for soaps, balms, candles etc. made of honey and wax. We then moved to the mother lode – the lake. A few moments “on the waterfront”, admiring the views of nature and criticizing the ones provided by humans (especially the clothes!). Had hot bhajjis and a coffee, bought some chocolates (and a face pack!), got disappointed by the non-functional toy train, browsed through the so-called Tibetan market and finally got out of there. A nice drive led us to Fernhill Palace, a hotel (ironically) that symbolizes some of the happiest times our family has ever had. The main building was still under renovation and we went to the new hotel built in the outhouses. And I finally had my dream realized – we walked through the covering of pine trees, the green shadows against the background of misty white, taking snaps, talking about the inconsequential and leaving the most important unsaid, but understood. The walk continued through the rest of the property, surrounded by clouds, catching glimpses of the sprawling valley of terraced farms, the roar of the trucks far below us penetrating and reminding us of widespread human existence. Still enthusiastic, we then went back to the typical tourist trail and headed out to the mecca of humanity in Ooty – the Botanical Gardens. It was as expected – a mélange of humanity of all shapes/sizes/colors/aesthetic tastes, against some very pretty backdrops of green. DB hopped around, dragging me with him, exploring nooks and corners that left a lot to be desired. We did see some interesting trees (one with branches that seemed to grow downward, another with roots emerging from the ground in a network of nerves), laughed at the typical signage that made distorted use of English, searched for the missing “Dil” tree that had presumably been knocked down and finally, having had enough of noise for the day, retreated into the comfortable, quiet elegance of our room.

Things were beginning to slow down. I was calm, but there were many emotions that had flowed through me during the day, leaving me energized, yet relaxed - an unusual combination. Thoughts merged into a pleasant haze as we sipped Golconda Ruby in front of the television, making desultory conversation about people on TV, and people in our lives. A cold walk to an indifferent dinner, a colder walk back, and then a fire is lit in our room. I switch off the lights and somehow, we don’t talk, letting the crackle of the fire and the sound of the rain do the talking. I occasionally put in more sticks, not heeding his warnings about the supposed dangers of doing so. We slumber in the large bed, I read a few more pages about Ms. Marple’s shrewdness. Slowly, peacefully, in that large room with the wooden flooring, we fall asleep. In an Ooty different from anytime I had experienced before.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Negative energy

It started early this year. Flickers of irritation, fueled by unwelcome insights; creeping sense of discontentment, pushed away with disbelieving hands. A refusal to make resolutions, simply because of the realization that I still had baggage from the previous two years. All this simmered under the surface...till a few weeks ago, when it exploded into full fledged emotion.

Anger, at myself. Irritation, with people. Dislike, of my environment. Dissatisfaction, with the returns.

At the face of it, I could call this a "phase" and think of practical ways to get beyond it, like an unpleasant terrain. But...this is something deeper. This is one of those times, which are going to determine the course of my next couple of years. Which is why I am not fighting it too much. There's a lot of energy floating right now, and its natural that some of it would turn negative, as it is focuses my "switched on" mind on the lost potential, unrealised wishes, repressed disappointments, unexpressed envy, harsh realities and so on.

But I am hopeful that my mind will be reasonable the way its always been in such negative situations and remind me that these things, after all, are a part and parcel of everyone's life. Thus bringing out a different facet to this energy - a stronger will, a clearer purpose and greater strength to deal with the significant trials that I know lie before me this year.

It's not going to be easy though. Moving in a positive mode. It's as if I took off last year - in a state of enthusiasm and dizzy excitement - and now I am unsure of what direction to take. All around me I see people moving in purposeful directions, not always happy, but then happiness is usually an accident. What one controls and can achieve is control, a moral compass, a sense of doing what's right, a feeling of being at peace with oneself. It's that what I miss right now and probably that's why other, more material benchmarks of life, pinch me more. Its quite ironical actually!! I am actually going through what I believe most other people go through most of the time (and what I always believed I wouldn't be so prone to!). So again - this is like a grounding. And that's an interesting word - does it imply I was flying too high? Or too rashly? Or too aimlessly? Or too carelessly? I dont know, and I dont think its that relevant.

What's important is that I end this state of mind - this anger, dissatisfaction, irritation, dislike. I slowly let the cacophony of shouts and whispers that haunt me daily nowdays melt into a murmur and finally get silenced; allowing myself to listen to my core, that tells me what to do, what I can do. That allows me to smile, and plan, and have fun, and act, and love, and take love, and achieve, and create, and focus - all at the same time.


Saturday, March 08, 2008

Barkha n thoughts n trends...

Rediscovering likes and habits of previous years seems to becoming a trend now. First it was the trips...then the "spending time with close friends"...and now its thought provoking encounters/conversations.

First it was Shk. For all his irritating habits and conversation, he has a knack of asking me questions or delivering insights that leave me questioning established thoughts and impressions. Part of it is due to my vulnerability with him (which I think I hide well) and partly due to his credibility - because, despite the aforementioned irritants, he is the most intelligent person I know. And an intelligence that has also translated into material success (though he doesn't agree), which makes it more credible. This time it was about relationships and I how I view them. He was particularly interested in knowing more about DB, and I realised how guarded and cautious I am in my responses. And that's with such a close friend! I keep saying that I am pretty open but I think when it comes to really private and important things, I am not that open. Even someone like a Shk has to make an effort.

Completely opposite was Barkha Dutt as the key note speaker at our IWD event yesterday. Her narrative of the role that gender has played in her worklife was warm, absorbing and intensely personal...I wonder if I can ever stand up and be so candid about my experiences, both positive and unsavory in a larger audience? Maybe I can, if the purpose behind the candidness is to talk about an issue. In fact, I have been, come to think of it. Anyway, contrary to the image that she seems to have developed, her speech and then her responses during Q&A and the panel discussion were sensible, balanced and nuanced. A lot of it resonated with me and this is what I enjoy the most - when someone is able to intelligently articulate and express something that I had felt. Its quite rare though :(

Some thoughts and viewpoints that struck a chord -
  • Stop seeing gender as being just about women; gender should not become a dogma; it should be an agent of dialogue leading to change for the betterment of society as a whole (Both at work and in personal life, I feel many people dont realize that the issues we discuss are rarely reflective of reality - the reality is often complex and linked to many other issues that need to be tackled collectively)
  • Dont ghettoise me; becoming closeted with no entry signs reinforces the same issue or problem we are fighting against; we need to work at integration with the mainstream and not away from it (I have always been against the tendency of every minority/silent/"victimised" community to create a world-within-the-world. I recognise the need for that safety but disliked it nevertheless. I finally found words to describe it)
  • Avoiding the victimhood mentality; Creating a space for myself; Organizations and institutions need to help create spaces that deconstruct notions and sensitise the environment as a whole; tokenisms dont help (If you feel like a victim, you become one. Its one of the many self fulfiling prophecies I believe in. That doesnt mean I dont fall prey to it. I do. And thats why I keep saying it -cautioning myself as much as others)
  • I had so many twists and turns in what I believed in (why is everyone forced to take a stand on everything? While I believe that being opinionated is usually a sign of intelligence, being able to admit that one's stand can change depending on which side of an issue influences you more is also a sign of mature intelligence. And I was go glad she admitted it too)
  • Gender is synonymous with choices and one influence the other. The choices are of both personal and professional nature (I dont think there's right or wrong. There are just choices. If the choice is made with conviction and doesnt infringe on someone else's freedom, its usually "right")
I hope to continue this - pleasant, comfortable, thought provoking times with people I like. Inshallah!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Two Trips

For quite a while, I had been extremely irritated that my "weekend" trips have become a thing of the past. These were brief holidays and respites from the daily madness of life, that I used to enjoy a lot...partly for the trip itself and the sightseeing etc. and partly for the company of close friends. Over several years, these trips, particularly the ones with D, formed a cherished part of my memories, both in my heart and photo albums!

Recently I got the chance to do two quick trips like this, and I took the chance. They were not the typical "driving out of Blr" trips that I used to have, but that doesn't matter...the end intent was the be in a new environment and spend time close friends.

The first was Hyd...a city where I was going for the first time. We started the weekend with our first love - Jodha Akbar - and the "shahenshahi" flavor continued through the day with Qutab Shahi Tombs and Golconda Fort. It was very, very nice to explore an area of history that we weren't so familiar with...and as we racked our brains to establish linkages with pieces of history that we DID know, we realised how out of touch we were with something that we have both interest and inclination towards. Sometimes I think of the boring conversations I have had recently and wonder if that time wouldn't have been better spent doing some interesting stuff like this...unfortunately, Blr is sadly bereft of history :( Anyway, the history lesson continued through to Charminar which i found to be much more impressive than I expected. Its not majestic or imposing but instead an extremely charming structure with very good detail. The surrounding areas are of course fascinating, not the least because of the good food. Two strong impressions that these trips have left behind are of pride and regret. Pride because of our truly interesting and complex heritage...Hyderabad for example, is named after a queen Hyder Begum, who was first a Hindu princess married to a Sultan who was much in love with her. This is such a prime example of the confluence of cultures that symbolise our history and which is now being distorted by wily politicians and an extremely dumb and witless mass of people. The regret is due to our sheer inability to preserve and present this heritage and use it for awareness, education and tourism. Despite having so many resources like these, our country is still "undeveloped" as a society and that again is due to the wily politicians taking advantage of dumb people. Case in point - how many middle class families pay any importance to history and culture in their children's upbringing?

The Hyd trip had other good aspects too - the Ramoji Film City (strangely exciting to even a jaded person like me!) and Firangi Pani, where I saw people DANCE!!!!!! Wow...people in other worlds dance...and that too without


Another aspect that hit me about Hyd was the crowd - the mass of young men clad in synthetic brightly colored shirts, with colored hair, and tight pants and nasal accent ceased to be "exotic" within a few hours and moved to "ewwww!" category for the most part! The women are pretty though!!

Spending time with D was great too...more than anything else, his presence, like Mum, L, Unni etc...calms me and makes me feel sane again. Its not as if we have long, involved conversations - we dont! - its just his quiet understanding, dry humor, insightful observations on the world around and the common love of books and movies that has this effect.

Delhi trip came about by chance - I have Rinku to thank for it!! A CAW workshop became a 4-day trip of which I spent two with Shweta - sensible, funny, grounded, intelligent conversations about the world in general, and our life in particular! Thursday was a perfect day - a loooooooong lunch with wine and music, a drive to CP, Metro ride to Old Delhi, Red Fort, the Sound n Light show, rickshaw to Jama Masjid, dinner at Karim's. Like a silly tourist, I am again so overwhelmed by the sights, sounds and smells of that area that I can hardly find descriptions! (actually I can, but I am so lazy that I dont want to type them...anyway, who cares about exact descriptions anyway, its not as if I am writing a column!). Friday night out was fun too...drinks at Buzz (incl. Absolut Pepper, yay!!), movie at PVR (at 12 at night - cool, I am such a country bumpkin) and paranthas n tea at a highway dhaba at 3 am!

The weekend was with Shk, accompanying him on shopping trips through the malls. I am pleased to announce that I crossed a milestone in my shopping career when I facilitated the purchase of Bulgari shades with numbered lenses worth about Rs.30k in total!! I was also present when about 50% of the Body Shop outlet was bought out (ok, I exaggerate, it was 20!!). More than the shopping, I actually unwinded at his nice house and in the pleasant company of Ch, his kiddo Harshit and of course, him. No, I didnt unwind with him. He winds me up instead!!! Because of his nature, and also because of the increasing distance between our worlds, he is SOOOO irritating, especially since he uses that as a route to get attention and make conversation!! I always lose my temper with him and then regret it later when I have said "bye" because I genuinely miss him a lot. Like D, his presence is also important for me, mainly because of the simplicity and genuineness of his emotions.

So...these were my trips. Not captured on camera for a change...dont know why...but important nevertheless. Hope this sets the trend for this year :)

Monday, February 04, 2008

Stranger in the mirror

I look into the mirror warily, for I am nearly certain of what I will see there. And sure enough, I do. The curtain, the doubt, the reluctance to meet eyes, the hesitant smile.

Most of the seven sins lurk. The root is temptation. To give in to the need of the moment, the rest be damned. Where’s the much-famed, much-touted value system? Where’s the much-famed, much-touted work ethic? And that much-famed, much-touted “respect”?

Like a dog, I worked. Collected what I need. Built love. Won trust. And, like a dog, I undid. The pillars within, fell. Or did they? Let me not give up hope. The pillars shake; their foundations are mired in shadow. Strength is what I will use now. To hold, stabilize and continue building.

I do ask myself why. But I have no patience to search for the answer. I do feel. But I have no time to. This is reality. I will act. I need to. Else I will have to cover the mirror with a black cloth. Hide from myself. The world.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

no sweet sorrow

i consider myself fortunate that i grew up within the loving cocoon of my family and close friends and got familiar with the pain of parting and distance only from the age of fifteen. (or maybe that's not very fortunate, because it meant that I was not used to it...)

either way, i wonder how my dear aarav will view it? will he rotate his head 360 degrees around the room so that he can spot me and cry out for attention like he used to? will he miss the sight of me standing in front of me and he gazing at me and waving his arms wildly in order to be picked up? will he sense that there is a pair of arms which are not around him anymore? will he look for the patterns of my shirts and kurtas which he lwas attracted to and loved attacking with his teething mouth? will he feel the absence of the 73kilos that would plump down beside him every morning to coo and wish him good morning? will he cry out for the specific paintings and wall hangings he had gotten fond of on his daily "walk"?

mum will cry, think about me and my life constantly, get distracted by bobo's needs and then resign herself to another few months of distance. i have cried, have been thinking about them constantly, will now get into work and try to reduce the number of occasions when i am struck by memory and seized with pain.

but i think of him, who doesnt even know what he's feeling.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Movies of 2007

Like presumably millions of others, I am quite fond of reading "top etc. etc." lists of movies, actors and so on, compiled by critics and audience polls. But recently, I have become extremely fond of generating my own too!

English movies are too much of an ocean...I have seen too many movies that I have liked to create a true favorites list, even though I have a few standard titles that I name when someone asks me. Hindi movies - uptil 2004 or so, I have a clear idea of what my top 10-20 favorite movies are. After that, age started catching up and its better if I have an annual list from which I can create another favorites list a decade down the line!

And, as I said, I am extremely fond of creating this list :)

Here's to 2007. Certainly not a year like 2006 was, wonderfully varied and exciting but sufficiently interesting to present a challenge. What I liked about 2007 was that there were some good roles for women, both on the commercial and not-so-commercial scene, which was a relief. Over the past few years, the declining quality of actresses and the roles they play (or maybe its the reverse cause and effect!) is something that's upsetting, mainly because it is at odds with the progress being made in real life. This year, some solid actresses asserted themselves, sometimes successfully like Tabu and Kareena and sometimes not so much like Rani. But the result was equally impactful - bimbos like Priyanka and Katrina were kept in their place.

Top 10

1. Chak De India - topical, entertaining and SRK was wonderful. Only thing that prevents it from being an all time favorite is the lack of a gripping climax
2. Jab We Met - I consider this as India's answer to Meg Ryan's rom coms. And like them, this has become one of my "anytime, anywhere" movies. And the songs are my favorite this year!!
3. Om Shanti Om - thorough entertainer; but again, just didnt have Dhoom's appeal for me without Hrithik's godliness and fab music
4. Manorama Six Feet Under - brilliantly made movie with perfect performances
5. Cheeni Kum - a lovely, lovely movie esp because of Tabu and great dialogues
6. Life in a Metro - very real, interesting characters played by good perfomers
7. Guru -again, a well made biopic on Hollywoodish lines, esp the strong supporting cast (incl Ash)
8. Taare Zameen Par - very very nice movie, well made and it genuinely touched me
9. Honeymoon Travels - because this is the kind of ensemble movie I always enjoy
10. Johny Gaddar - because I am a Chase fan and its high time we went back to these kind of movies (they did get made during the '80s art period but not after that)

Runners up

11. Gandhi My Father - A for effort and Akshaye's performance. If it had been better paced and more involving, it could have been a cracker
12. No Smoking - esoteric, yes. Un-understandable, yes. Did I have fun watching it? yes.
13. Ek Chaalis ki Last Local - nice enough movie, and Abhay is as usual good to watch
14. Khoya Khoya Chand - I love movies about movies and this was, like Gandhi My Father, a great effort
15. Saawariya - I didnt find it terrible. Quite watchable with some interesting ideas and Ranbir's good

Didnt see, they could have been in the favorites list -

Bheja Fry
Shootout at Lokhandwala
The Namesake
Jhoom Barabar Jhoom

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

from grey to growth to....?

I just re-read my last year's "new year" post, which I think has become a sort of ritual now, thanks to my insistence on this being the time of the year for 'reflection and thinking and planning" etc etc!

The biggest thing on my mind last year was the ambiguity around work and personal life...there was so much happening with no clue where all those threads would lead me.

And now I need to ask myself - where DID they lead? I actually dont have a top-of-the-mind response to this. At first glance, there are some basics that are not truly "right" today as a result of some choices I made. But then there are some moments of intense happiness I can look back upon, professional achievement and personal peace. I have never doubted myself as much as I did this year, yet there's a sense of pride in the way I handled several challenges with new people in my life, incl DB. So if I go the "report card" way, it's probably a never ending comparison on the two sides of the line.

But there IS one clear outcome - growth. Last year I had taken 2 leaps of faith. This year, I ventured into more uncharted territory, uncovering skills, inclination, attitudes and personality traits that hadn't existed or were dormant. I questioned myself a lot, trying to de-layer motives and arrive at the real factors that drove me. I checked myself too, trying to control reactions so that they are not too impulsive or damaging to myself and others. I learnt some new words - patience, for example :) and some new worlds too - DCN business for example. Not to mention visited new places, explored new cultured and vastly increased my wardrobe contents!!

And this growth is very, very satisfying. Because - more signifcant than my fear of ambiguity and greyness in life (which I mentioned in last year's note) is my fear of stagnation.

What next? What fear will drive this year? I think some demons from the past are surfacing...and hence my focus this year will be on building some sense of security and rejecting behaviors or decisions that make me feel unstable or unclear. This means taking some tough stands, not all of them positive. Will I be able to do that? Lets check a year later :)

On a side note, its interesting to note how negative triggers (fear) drive positive outcomes (focus, growth etc.) This keeps happening to me at work too!