Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What's the point of living with so much fear?

I am afraid of looking directly into the mirror because I may see traces of the person I didn't want to become. I am afraid of digging deeper into myself because I may unearth memories I would rather avoid. I am afraid of scrutinizing my own motives because I will probably realize that my drivers are not what I thought they are. I am afraid of analyzing my future career because it will force me to go back to past decisions. I am afraid of stepping up because I don't know if I have the knees to support it. I am afraid of stepping out because I don't know if I have the wind beneath my wings. I am afraid of thinking about the current deadlock because I might get into the superstitious zone. I am afraid of dissecting the relationships because I will realize how little control I have. I am afraid of thinking about people because I might need to acknowledge feelings I had pretended didn't exist. I am afraid of thinking about the wider circle of my influence because I will have to confront the negative impact of my existence. I am afraid to let my emotions show because I might scare someone away. I am afraid to be myself because people are looking at and up to me. I am afraid to let myself go because there is a persona I am bonded to. 

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