Sunday, April 16, 2006

Parched soul

Never mind that the roads were slushed out; that traffic jams sprung up all over the city like crazed wildflowers; that the gleam of greed appeared in the eyes of the auto drivers; that my drying clothes & rug got wet and dirty; never mind that the evening plans of thousands of people got spoiled....I loved every moment of it! The rain came in sheets of blessed white, splattering and frisking and creating a dun and demanding absolute attention! As far as I am concerned, it didn't just get my attention, it got my devotion...for providing relief from the monotony of dry, cranky, grey days that had begun to even destroy the remnants of my liking for this city.

The evening rain was the icing on a lovely day. A bit of exercise, a bit of shopping, a bit of pampering and then a long drive with blasting music. A quiet evening with a cup of hot tea and an interesting book. No conversation more than 5 min. Practically alone. Peace.

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