Monday, August 25, 2003

A week rushes by and I am an year older

Rush, crooned Paula Abdul....and rush, I moan.

The birthday was one of the most uneventful low key approach was quite successful this year (for a change) and celebration consisted of drinks n dinner with Darshan (3 Ds!) at Geoffrey's.
No gifts, though. Unni was suitably annoyed at what he calls an entire lack of enthu n imagination in my Blr friends!

The tension of preparing for the Cmty launches got over. they finally happened. and they happened well. got some appreciation, at last!

Life promises to be as irritatingly work oriented n exhausting for another 2/3 weeks at least. Many fires to fight.

Hvnt been to my fav blogs in a while - the 2 Erics, James, Nell.....what are they upto???!!!! Shall try to answer those questions tonite.

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