Tuesday, January 10, 2006

In and Out

(there's a nice movie with Kevin Kline by this name)

I will refrain (at least for now) to write about my thoughts on 2005 and plans for the year ahead. What should be interesting however is a check on the people in my life. (this has been one of the key things on my mind at the turn of the year).

I am tempted to make a "top 1o" and "bottom 10" list like a hollywood/bollywood mag, but will instead settle for a quick look to see who moved how....

Remained where they were (at the top) - Mum, U, D, L ; (the 2nd rung) - Sidh, Shal, Ven, Dom

Moved up (into the top rung) - Shw, Shk ; (the 2nd rung) - Jas, Rku, Nan

Moved down - H, Aish, Jyo, Poo (no pain)

Moved out - Sau (no pain), V (loads of it)

New entrants - Kit, N, Rosh

In n Out - M (pain)

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