Monday, June 16, 2003

Hvnt found time to blog all day.
and i am supposed to be on notice...supposedly "honeymoon" period.

am reading Ken Follet's Dangerous Fortune (or something like that)...generally dont read kenfollet but the bookshop owner specially recommended.
and it IS so absorbing - its like a "Dyansty" set in the 19th century, without the allure of Joan Collins (yes, I, in all my adoloscent fantasy, adored her - replete with the 135kg make up!).
I hv realised I hv a real liking for "family dramas" which hv money n politics as background.....wld love to make an elegant, absorbing tele-series like that someday (with genuine designer wear, not glitzy cheap stuff!)

btw, had decent weekend....
i think i wl post tomorrow.

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