Came across this line in another blog :
"It is easy, with time, to forgive those who hurt you.
It is much harder, I think, to forgive those who make you hurt them"
Its so so true.
Its the worst feeling in the world - hurting someone u care
for...deliberately, that more than the other, it causes pain to u.
why should i hurt someone i love? its that part of romanticism which is the darkest and fascinating
- when u want to get a reaction. when you want to know that u matter to the other......("love to see u cry" by enrique. horrible song, tho)
- when u have been thro so much pain, that u want the other to feel even a part of it, to be able to say "now u know how i felt" (this happens often, but in small measure)
and many other situations.
The height of the dark side of love is reached when u want to punish yrself for being so foolishly, madly, irretrievably in love with the other.
And the best way to punish someone is to cause pain to the one they love.
Skewed, right? yes, it is. and thats why, when this happens, it destroys u.
and thats y u hate the person who made you hurt him.
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