Sunday, November 11, 2012

Perking me up

When I say books are my best friend and the anchor of my life, that's really true in every sense and not merely a symbolic statement. And as it is with all such anchors, they have the ability to influence not just my mood from day to day, but my entire outlook and mindset for a much longer period of time. Recently, the discovery of Ravan and Eddie gave me a high that I haven't felt for quite a while...the joyous rambunctiousness of the writing took me by surprise and I wasted no time in getting the sequel which got released just a few weeks ago. Two weeks of very happy reading!

And even my second love - movies - gave me cause for celebration. Four good movies within a few weeks of each other - Barfi, English Vinglish, Premium Rush, Argo - was truly like gorging on chocolates and ice cream for several days in a row! The icing was of course the successful resurgence of my all time favorite actress, Sri...which sparked off many fun conversations with fellow admirers and some detractors too.

Then, out of the blue, I made a new friend, R (or Minty Mystic as I like to call him). Eerily identical tastes in some areas (Sri, Hitchcock, Lamhe etc) and yet a vastly different personality converged to 3 extremely pleasant evenings within just one week. Not sure if this will continue or build further but for now, it's always nice to make a new connection and discover new worlds through others.

So the last few weeks, despite the worries and the heartbreaks and the boredom, turned out pretty well. Today I was trying to search for a poem and started to trawl through the thousands of mails I had exchanged with V to find it. It was like reading through old letters from another life. They made me pause and wonder at the magic. A good reminder of why I am still on that rollercoaster. I do like the highs, even as I survive the lows. 

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