Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The strains of "o re piya" reverberate through my mind...for the last few days, the wistful notes of this song have permeated my entire day, mingling with the subdued desires and the unexpressed disappointments to create an overwhelming atmosphere of melancholy that I find intensely self-indulgent and irritating. My energy levels continue to be low, the reasons for which I am not interested in dissecting. The books I have read, including The Swimming Pool Library, exacerbate this mood and the lack of any sustained interaction with people who would normally perk me up prolongs it.

Every few hours I look up at the colors of the sky, where the blend of grey and brown makes me feels as if the collective miseries of the populace have drifted upwards. The sense of oppression, of bearing a burden, deepens.

I long for a cool breeze, a splash of water, a vista of green, a smile of love, a hug of affection, an exchange of stimulants, a gesture of respect, a symbol of achievement, an expression of art, a moment of reaffirmation. I want to be alive again. 

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