I think I was in the 8th or 9th standard when I got this little playbook with fun facts about zodiac signs in it. By then I was already fascinated by this subject and considered myself a bit of an expert on it, so some of the terms and phrases from that book stayed with me.
Under Leo, it said "their egos cause a lot of clashes and will result in failed relationships" - or something to that effect. Over the years, there have many times when I have paused and remembered that statement and smiled.
It is true...that my ego has often led me to flare up even at slight provocations (like today!) and sometimes even led me down the road of cutting the nose off to spite the face. At such extreme moments, I have got irritated with myself and sometimes felt a little foolish later. Though I must say that even then my ego supplied me with plenty of reasons why I shouldn't feel foolish! And credit to a lot of people - they usually realise my bark is worse than my bite, and therefore dont allow me to destroy something really good.
But never ever have I really regretted having that ego. Because its that same ego that has also provided me that core of strength, dignity and determination that I believe keeps me going. At numerous times, it is my ego that has prevented me from falling into the traps of accepting dubious favors, or displaying vulnerability, or getting into a mood of self pity mode during tough times, or believing that I am lesser than someone else. Sometimes it takes longer than usual, but I finally get there - put my chin up, and say "fuck you" to the world, and move on.
Yes, sometimes it bruises me a bit...but mostly, my ego saves me.
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