I just read the poem on V's blog...was reminded of another poem that I read recently that affected me so much. Somewhere in these two poems lies the beginning of the answers to so many questions...
In Despair
He's lost him completely. And he now tries to find
his lips in the lips of each new lover,he tries in the embrace of each new lover
to convince himself that it's the same young man,
that it's to him he gives himself.
He's lost him completely, as though he never existed.
He wanted, his lover said, to save himself
from the tainted, sick form of sexual pleasure,
the tainted, shameful form of sexual pleasure.
There was still time, he said, to save himself.
He's lost him completely, as though he never existed.
Through fantasy, through hallucination,
he tries to find his lips in the lips of other young men,
he longs to feel his kind of love once more.
Konstantinos P. Kavafy (1923)
The Tree of Song
I sang my songs for the rest,
For you I am still;
The tree of my song is bare
On its shining hill.
For you came like a lordly wind,
And the leaves were whirled
Far as forgotten things
Past the rim of the world.
The tree of my song stands bare
Against the blue --
I gave my songs to the rest,
Myself to you.
Sara Teasdale
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