Saturday, September 04, 2004

Shining Light

Without any envy/resentment/irritation/condescension/reservation/intimidation, I feel nothing but genuine whole hearted appreciation for Nanima and Mummy.

Without spouting adjectives about their abilities or listing facts that demonstrate them , I confidently feel they are the two finest ladies I have known.

My detached appreciation mingles with unconditional love as I think about the massive challenges that they have constantly faced throughout their lives, and the courage and dignity with which they have overcome them; the gentleness of their demeanour and the warmth of their relations even when they have had multiple cause to find bitterness or wariness; the ability to laugh, at the world and themselves, however low they might be; the choice they make to find pleasures in the smallest of things and thus retain the pure child in thir souls.

Of course, both are individuals and I could write much much more in detail about what their specfic strengths (and even weaknesses) are. But right now, I am just seized by the sense of gratitude and love borne out of having them being the fountainhead of my life.

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